Where Faith and Music
Converge, Hearts Soar
in Harmony.
About VAMM
Vickie Amoah Music Ministry (VAMM) is a Christian-based organization with varied facets but one focus – to pursue and promote the Gospel through Spirit-filled Christian music, literature and events.
It is spearheaded by Vickie Amoah; Musician (Singer, Songwriter and Worship Leader), Author, Entrepreneur and Broadcaster.
Music is food for the soul and we at VAMM believe Spirit-filled Christian music can restore, heal, motivate, birth faith and bring hope. We are therefore poised to bring the saving grace of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to many through the arts.
We Love God
Our Vision
Proclaiming Jesus to the world one day at a time.
Our Mission
Transforming lives through Spirit-filled Christian music, literature and events.
Literary Ministry
Training and Mentoring
Upcoming Events

Spirit Revelation Breakfast
Golden Street Chapel
Red Top, WestHills City, Near Rag Linekar Pharmacy