The Power of Praise!


Some weeks back, we began talking about some weapons given to us as believers: Prayer, Praise, Worship and the Word of God.

I have talked about Prayer and Worship. Today, I want us to discuss the weapon of “Praise.”

Praise is an expression of adoration, gratitude, and reverence towards God. It involves acknowledging God’s greatness, goodness, and sovereignty.

For most of us, it is so easy to PRAISE GOD when all is well…but very difficult to do so when things are tough.

A book by Frank Hammond titled, “Praise – A Weapon of Warfare and Deliverance” changed my perception. In it, he explains that… “PRAISE is a powerful and mighty weapon in deliverance and spiritual warfare; and the enemy knows it. In fact, he detests it because he fears it. Why? Because it DESTROYS HIS GRIP on THE SPIRITUAL ATMOSPHERE around us. Praise clears the air. As you praise the Lord, things begin to happen in the unseen realm. A demon cannot exist in that atmosphere — he simply CANNOT FUNCTION.”

Dear Friend, cultivate a lifestyle of praise today. Don’t just wait for the good times to praise God. As you wait on the Lord for that breakthrough; PRAISE HIM. Your testimony is on the way. (Check out Natalie Grant’s song, “Praise you in the storm.”)

Faith Confession: In moments of joy and trials, I choose to lift my voice and heart in praise to my God who is able to do the impossible in my life!

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