Anointed For What?

1 Samuel 16:12-13, 23 says,

“So Jesse sent for him. He was dark and handsome, with beautiful eyes. And the Lord said, “This is the one; anoint him.” So as David stood there among his brothers, Samuel TOOK THE FLASK OF OLIVE OIL he had brought and ANOINTED DAVID WITH THE OIL. And THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD CAME POWERFULLY UPON DAVID FROM THAT DAY ON. Then Samuel returned to Ramah. And WHENEVER THE TORMENTING SPIRIT from God TROUBLED Saul, David would PLAY THE HARP. Then Saul would FEEL BETTER, and the TORMENTING SPIRIT WOULD GO AWAY.”

Anytime I read this account, I ask myself, “What has been the POSITIVE IMPACT of my ministry since the Lord chose and anointed me for this office?” This question amongst several others keeps me in check in my walk as a Music Minister. 

David was first of all PICKED/CHOSEN for service. Then he was ANOINTED for that particular service. And then, he AFFECTED all around him with his GIFT by virtue of the ANOINTING. 

Some singers and instrumentalists find themselves in the ministry because they have the skill and passion for it. Eventually, they are anointed for it. Others from the word go are CALLED (from their mother’s womb) for this service. Whichever scenario fits your story, YOU ARE in the service. Question is, how well are you using the OIL and GRACE on your life? Are you showing off your skill? Are you manipulating others because of your gift? Are you living your life anyhow because you feel on top of the world?

My desire as a Song Minister is to allow the Holy Spirit to SING and SPEAK through me anytime I am given the opportunity. At the end of the day, it is His job to CONVICT, TRANSFORM and cause a TURN AROUND in the lives of those who sit under my ministrations. If there is no impact, then I am doing my God a disservice, don’t you think?

Dear Musician, in these times, it is very easy to stray. However, make that conscious decision to stay connected to the Lord; spend time in His presence, reading the Word and fellowshipping with His Spirit. Whatever you do, ensure the oil on your head and life is doing its work!

#ThoughtsOfAMinstrel #TipsTuesday

#VickieAmoah #VAMM


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