Discerning The Times!

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” (Eccl. 3:1)

On my way to work thus morning, I saw a number of people gathered at a bus stop. I could tell the frustration on their faces. Buses were scarce.Suddenly, a bus approached them. An elderly woman saw the bus first and rushed to it. Suddenly, the other younger people also saw it and rushed towards it.

As we approached the stop, I realized that she didn’t make it into the bus. The others overtook her.

It brought something to mind…I’m sure this woman sometime back as a young person would have fought her way into the bus without stress. Now, she is old…energy levels low. She could barely match the younger people.

There is indeed a season and a time for everything as the Bible states in the scripture above. If the Lord doesn’t grant us discernment to know the times and seasons laid out for us, we will miss His purpose for us.

#ThoughtsOfAMinstrel #MotivationMonday


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